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Title | MCQs in Orthopaedics | | |
Author | Chandrasekar | ||
Publisher | PARAS Publishing | ||
ISBN | 81-8191-017-6 | ||
Price | Rs | ||
Type of Book | MCQs with Explanations | ||
Exams covered | All Exams | ||
Subjects covered | Orthopaedics | ||
Intended for | MBBS Students PG Aspirants Post Graduates in Surgery and Ortho Super specialty aspirants | Can be Used for | MBBS Students PG Aspirants Post Graduates in Surgery and Ortho Super specialty aspirants |
Impressed with | 1. Excellent Collection 2. Reference book for the answer 3. Relevant Explanation | Areas for Improvement | 1. Diagrams 2. Page number and edition of the reference |
Review | This book covers the MCQs in Orthopaedics. The questions are arranged in various chapters like
Each chapter has 150 – 200 questions on the particular chapter followed by their answers with brief discussion and more importantly the book from which the author has taken these. | ||
Highlights | If you want to know difference between Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s elbow, Nursemaid’s elbow and Student’s elbow or the use of Judet View or LP:LT Ratio, this book can aid your cause Learsen's disease, Candle drip Appearence are also explained by this book | ||
Reviewed on | August 4th, 2004 | Reviewed by | Team Target PG |
Title | Condensed Obstetrics and Gynaecology Companion 2nd Editon | | |
Author | J Narsing Rao | ||
Publisher | PARAS Publishing | ||
ISBN | 81-86635-65-3 | ||
Price | Rs 115 | ||
Type of Book | Rapid Notes | ||
Exams covered | All Exams | ||
Subjects covered | Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Pregnancy, Child Birth | ||
Intended for |
| Can be Used for |
Impressed with | 1. System wise approach to the subject 2. High Yield Points | Areas for Improvement | 1. Diagrams 2. Tables |
Review | This book gives the most important and often asked points in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in a system wise manner. The book is divided into 2 Sections Obstetrics has 37 chapters and Gynaecology 34 chapters The success of the author in this compilation lies in the fact that at least 10 (usually 15, sometimes even 20) questions in any PG Medical Entrance exam can be answered with this book alone | ||
Highlights | Chapters on Epidemiology and Diagnostic Modalities | ||
Reviewed on | July 11th 2004 | Reviewed by | Team Target PG |
Title | Condensed Paediatric Companion 2nd Editon | | |
Author | J Narsing Rao | ||
Publisher | PARAS Publishing | ||
ISBN | 81-8191-025-7 | ||
Price | Rs 100 | ||
Type of Book | Rapid Notes | ||
Exams covered | All Exams | ||
Subjects covered | Paediatrics / Pediatrics | ||
Intended for | MBBS Students PG Aspirants Super specialty aspirants | Can be Used for | MBBS Students PG Aspirants Super specialty aspirants |
Impressed with | 1. System wise approach to the subject 2. High Yield Points 3. Details about the national program concerned with Children | Areas for Improvement | 1. Diagrams 2. Tables |
Review | This book gives the most important and often asked points in Paediatrics in system wise manner. The book is divided into 26 systems.
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Highlights | A book that can help you score in Biochemistry and Pathology as well | ||
Reviewed on | July 11th 2004 | Reviewed by | Team Target PG |
Title | Review in Paediatrics |
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Author | A Edwin Dias | ||
Publisher | Peepee Publishers and Distributors | ||
Price | Rs 90 (Rs 72 after discount) | ||
Type of Book | Rapid Notes | ||
Exams covered | All Exams | ||
Subjects covered | Paediatrics | ||
Intended for | AIIMS and All State PGs and all PGs PLAB USMLE | Can be Used for | PLAB, USMLE, Any Interviews in Paediatrics AIIMS and All India PG Entrance, State PGs and all PGs Ward Rounds |
Impressed with | 1. A book that tells you both concepts and facts though more attention seems to been given to the concepts 2. Liberal Use of Tabular Columns 3. Often repeated questions are well covered | Areas for Improvement | 1. More points can be added for the topics so that the book is more suited for the Indian Exams also 2. In addition to the basics which are presented here Subtle facts can be added |
Review | Paediatrics is an unique subject as far as PG Preparation is concerned. You will never know whether you need to read Paediatrics, how much of Paediatrics to read and how much you can manage with Medicine, Pathology and Microbiology The Dilemma does not end after you have decided to prepare with “Paediatrics Proper” Another question arises out of blue then. What to read and where to read. Once you have decided that and start preparing , you will come to know that Paediatrics deserves a special attention compared to other subjects due the fact that the subject will appear perfectly clear and you will have a “déja vu” when you are reading. In the examination hall the situation becomes “jamais vu” when the question is focused (and we are off target) This justifies that to be able to face questions from Paediatrics confidently in the exams, you need to revise and perhaps re-revise the subject a number of times. Books that help in review like Question and Answer books and Pre test series are definitely needed for this subject if not for others. Though no single book can be claimed to be complete for Paediatrics, there are a lot of books which will tell us what we know and more importantly what we don’t know. “Review in Paediatrics ” by A.Edwin Dias and published by Peepee publishers is one of the books that can be used to brush up your knowledge Though this title deals with few topics only, the style is refreshingly lucid and up to the point. In spite of this not being a "complete" volume there are a lot of points which are emphasized in this book and that come regularly in various exams set by the faculty at AIIMS and State PGs. Most of the MCQs given here have been already asked in various exams more than once. The facts are minimal, probably since the author had targeted his book mainly for the Foreign exams like PLAB and USMLE. We are impressed with the authors effort to make a concept clear to the student and then provide few points regarding that, though the facts are minimal. For example the Chapter on Genetics has questions only from Down's Syndrome A few more high yield points, say, from Turner's, Klinefelter's, Cri-du-chat etc could have made the book much lucrative. The importance of Numerical Values that are often asked, especially in State PG Entrance Exams are stressed. | ||
Highlights | Considering that the cover price of this book is less than Rs 100, this makes a good choice for reading. After going through this book once you will know how much you know (and how much you don't know) not only in Paediatrics, but also in the basic sciences | ||
Reviewed on | 25th April 2004 | Reviewed by | Post Graduates in Paediatrics and General Medicine |
Title | Review of Radiology 1st Edition |
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Author | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Publisher | Peepee Publishers and Distributors | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ISBN | 81-88867-14-4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Price | Rs 75 (Rs 60 after discount) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type of Book | Rapid Notes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exams covered | All Exams | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subjects covered | Radiology | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Intended for | PG Entrance, AIIMS and All India PG Entrance, State PGs and all PGs | Can be Used for | PG Entrance, AIIMS and All India PG Entrance, State PGs and all PGs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Impressed with | 1. The concept of the book 2. Extensive Coverage 3. Most of the Questions can be attended 4. Concept Based instead of the Facts Based Approach of other similar books 5. Price 6. The Review MCQs | Areas for Improvement | 1. Language and Grammar - The text appears to have been written in another language and translated "verbatim" into English 2. Type setting - It is hard to find whether the Heading in Sub heading or | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Books on Radiology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Review | Radiology accounts for about 2 to 3 percent questions in any Post Graduate Medical Entrance Exams. This amount to 6 to 9 questions in All India Exam and 4 to 6 questions in AIIMS and so on The uniqueness of these Questions is that they are often straightforward and consume very little time as the question is hardly a lengthy one and the choices are usually crisp The students for long were having no book for these questions. We were able to read Psychiatry from Ahuja, Anesthesia from Pharmacology books and Dermatology from Gone are the days when you were asked about the Water Lily Sign or Flower vase appearence. Now a days questions are more specific and are more often than not from the Radiology text books as well. When a Doctor is not able to allocate even a week for Radiology in his Time table for preparation, he obviously cannot read the "Big Books" like Sutton etc. “Review of Radiology” by Sumer K Sethi and published by Peepee brothers is a book that could well fill in the lacuna that exists in this area. The book written by a Senior Resident in Radiology in LHMC, who was once the topper in AIPG 2000, AIIMS 2000 and PGI 2000 and earlier was in the top 5 in CBSE PMT and DPMT Exams offers interesting reading The success of the author lies in the fact that he has been able to give SO MUCH OF THE "NEEDED" POINTS in so few pages. This is possible because the author had once been a candidate in the Entrance Exam race itself Most of the points that are given in the book have been already asked and more importantly almost all questions that have been previously asked can be solved with this little book. To check this the team decided to check this book with 2 question papers, All India PG 2004 (AIPG 2004 conducted on 11th January 2004) representing AIIMS Pattern and the memory recollected Tamil Nadu PG 2004 (TNPG 2004 / TN PG 2004 / Tamil Nadu PG 2004 conducted on February 29th 2004) Question Paper representing the State Model of Questions
Answers for ALL THE QUESTIONS in Tamil Nadu PG and 6 out of 8 Questions is AIPG 2004 are given explicitly can be found in this small book. You can answer one more question from the points given The next litmus test was to know whether one can answer the “mirage questions”. Mirage Questions are those few questions asked in a PG Entrance Exam that are not found in the usual text books and the aspirants will be searching one book after another after the Exam is over and the answer will elude them. One reviewer wanted to know about H shaped Vertebrae. We could see that it is seen in Sickle cell Anemia Another reviewer wanted to know whether the answer for Bracket Calcification can be found in the book. He had once faced the question in JIPMER 2002 and could not find the answer in "ordinary" books and when he saw Lipoma of Corpus Callosum in this book, he was much impressed. Rummaging around the pages we found that Golden S Sign seen in Right Upper Lobe Collapse (the recent exams ask the specific lobe) Well Done Dr.Sumer K Sethi !!! This book is bound to be one of the classics of PG Preparatory books if the author changes the style of the text which now appears truncated and chewed upon to be more flowing and vibrant and the Publishers could concentrate a little on the Typesetting Added on Oct 2004: The Second Edition of this book is now on the stands. More information can be seen here at Review of Radiology 2nd Edition | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Highlights | As one of the reviewers remarked “This book can be read at the cost and time of two movies” and to answer 100 % in State PG and about 90 % (87.5 % to me more accurate) in All India (where you are expected to answer 66 % correctly to get into the top 100 ranks) from such a small book is commendable and the author needs to be appreciated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reviewed on | April 24th 2004 | Reviewed by |
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This page is designed by Dr.J.Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas who has done his MBBS at Tirunelveli Medical College and Post Graduation in Orthopaedics at Madurai Medical College. © Medical Books in India - Listings, Review and Online Purchase proudly powered by Blogger. Template Design by http://www.isnaini.com This site is meant to be used by M.B.,B.S., Graduates (and Students). By using this site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. If you are a non medical person and is looking for Some/Any Medical Advice or Opinion, please mail to consult@doctorbruno.net. We will be pleased to help You. For PLAB and other details, visit USMLE Exam Questions and Tips a site for PG Entrance, MCQs, EMQs, Downloads, Mock tests, AIIMS AIPG PLAB and Forums.