~~~~~ PG Digest Released by Kalam Books ~~~~~ TargetPG TNPSC 1995 to 2007 Released ~~~~~~ Dr.Bruno's TargetPG Tamil Nadu PG Entrance Review (PARAS Publishing) - Fully Solved Question Papers from 2002 to 2006 with references and detailed explanations available ~~~~~ Pretest Styled books with Answers, Reference and Explanations of MCQs asked in Indian PG Entrance Exams available as FirsTest Series (Kalam Books)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


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Few eBooks by Pozitive
Operation Harri : eBook (Pozitive Operative Harri)
Pozitive : AIIMS : May 2013 : Discussion
AIIMS November 2013 Q & A by Pozitive

 Operation Harri – A Book for AIIMS and AIPG from Positive Coaching - 45 Questions in May 2013 were from our Book Operation Harri
Operation Harri – A Book for AIIMS and AIPG from Positive Coaching – 45 Questions in May 2013 were from our Book Operation Harri - http://www.targetpg.in/?p=3169


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